About The Course:
Indian Law Society, Pune presents an online Certificate Programme dealing with the practical aspects of the Law of Criminal Procedure relevant for trials and appeals from trials. The Programme will enable participants to understand and appreciate finer practical features of Criminal procedure, principles underlying these aspects and use of these provisions and principles in pre-trial advice, pleadings, and trial proceedings.
Resource Persons:
Judges from the High Courts of Maharashtra and Tamilnadu, Renowned practicing lawyers from Pune, Mumbai and Chennai.
Registration Open: From 30th June to 9th July 2021
Duration: 10th and 11th July 2021, 2 days
Eligibility: (1) Advocates (2) Law Students
Seats: Limited
Registration Fees: Rs.5000 + GST Rs.900 = Rs. 5,900
Certification: Certificates will be issued ONLY after attending all the sessions
Payment Mode: Online Only
Payment can be done online through Direct SBI, Net banking and Credit card.
Payment through debit card will not be accepted.
Click Here for the detailed Program schedule.
Please note that the recordings of the session will not be shared with the participants.
Program coordinator: Ms. Smita Sabne
Contact: Ms. Deepali Manjarekar; email: deepali.manjarekar@ilslaw.in
Vaijayanti Joshi,
Honorary Secretary,
Indian Law Society